Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Story Goes On

It's done.

In a flurry of activity I finished Chapter Four last night between calls at my day job. (I work in a call-centre.)

It never ceases to amaze me that when I start each chapter all I can think about is how far away 5000 words seem.

Then, before I know it, I've arrived and in fact have usually exceeded the number.

What I'm loving about writing is that with the completion of EACH chapter I get a sense of accomplishment.

I'm finally begining to understand that whole idea that "it isn't about the product, but rather the process." I used to DESPISE this expression. (And needless to say I was miserably unhappy.)

Now I get to feel happy TWELVE TIMES (there's twelve chapters) before the manuscript will be completed. And the HAPPY that I will feel when I type the last line of Chapter Twelve will hopefully feel even better!

Hold on to your hats, readers, Chapter Five is on the way!


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