Thursday, July 20, 2006

Three Done

Sorry it took me so long, folks, but I was away last weekend in Charlottetown.

It's odd that it took me this long to finish Three because it came quite easily, although I'll admit that the last few pages were a bit of a strain.

However, I did make it past my word count. I'm supposed to hit 4750/chapter, and I was over 5000 when I finished writing Three.

I may start Four tomorrow.

The Dinner!

For those of you who are following the story, you know that the first part of the book has been leading up to this moment.

In other news:

I have finally received my membership numbers for both Romance Writers of America and its Toronto Branch: Toronto Romance Writers.

I missed what was to be my first meeting of TRW a couple of weekends ago. It was on a saturday, and as per usual I slept in. I must fix this habit if I'm going to be a serious writer who wants to be taken seriously.

I've been checking out all of the articles on the RWA website, and have already plowed through my first issue of TRW's newsletter: romANTICS.

In all my years as an actor, I never ONCE finished reading a single issue of either the Equity Newsletter, of the ACTRA magazines.

I read all of romANTICS in one sitting. And it was twice as long as both of those other publications put together!

I think I have finally chosen a career I can live with. And enjoy.

Yay me.

E you later...


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