Monday, June 26, 2006

The Story Continues

Well, my readers, Chapter Two is under way. I'm sure you're all dying to know what happens after Glen kisses Maggie. Well, so was I!!

To be honest, when I wrote that final line to Chapter One, I wasn't sure what was going to happen.

It was not exactly how I had planned to finish the first chapter, so I wasn't sure if I should start Chapter Two with the way I'd planned, or if I should just see what would happen.

Well, I went with what would happen, and I have to tell you that by opening myself, and my writing, up to what was new, and fresh, I came up with story bits that were far more rich then anything I had previously planned.

I've read several writers' websites, and they've all talked about the moment that the story, or the characters take over and start to tell you where they want to go.

I, like you, can't wait to see where they tell me they want to go next.

Also, realizing that when this chapter is done, I will only have ten more chapters to write is still amazing to me.

Someone once said to me that it's about small projects and short-term goals, and I have to say that I think I finally get that.

In the past, it was always about the finished product, and the complete whole. It was so BIG! No WONDER I never finished anything.

When I just think about it on a word-by-word, chapter-by-chapter basis, it becomes far easier to deal with.

And easier to write.

Not such a huge project.

Because, really, it isn't. I mean, I'm not writing public policy here, am I?

Just some romance, and some emotion.

And I am loving every minute of it.

See you at the end of TWO.



- said...

No darling, you are not writing public policy. But you are writing and that is all that counts.

It sounds like you have done a lot of research which leads me to believe this will be great... not that there was ever any doubt!

Short term goals is where it is at. When you start thinking about the big picture, that is when you become completely overwhelmed, stop sleeping, cannot get out of bed, cry on the subway... not that I would know about this. I have just heard about it!

M J Anderson said...

Christopher Anne Gillis!

Thank you SO much.

You ALWAYS make me laugh, right when I desperately NEED to.

I'm at work, I'm sick and people are being pissy today.

I really need to be at home reading several chapters of Devil Wears Prada.

However, I shall perservere.

- said...

Is it totally wrong that seeing "Christopher Anne Gillis" sense shivers up my spine?

M J Anderson said...

Not at all!

You deserve it!

Afterall, when I think of PEI, there's only one mascot that I think of!

- said...


M J Anderson said...
