Monday, June 19, 2006


Well, I'm happy to report that Chapter One is well under way, and I've now broken it up into a prologue and chapter one. This way I'm able to get a couple of the cool things accomplished in the first "chapter" so that it can start off the right way.

I've been writing for a bout 2 hours and I've only managed to come up with just over 2000 words! It takes nearly 5000 just to complete ONE chapter.

WHAT have I gotten myself into?

But I will say that when I realized I was coming up on the time that I had to quit today, I had this overwhelming feeling that I didn't want to.

I was jivin'. If that's the right expression. Everything was just flowing and moving. It was hard to say to myself that I just had to stop. Laundry is more important.

Anyway, as promised, some form of Prologue/Chapter One will be available for your perusal sometime later this week.

Can you even BELIEVE?

I know I can't.

Hee hee.


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