Tuesday, June 13, 2006


It's DONE!

The Chapter Breakdowns for my novel are now DONE!

All twelve chapters are sufficiently filled out enough to help me start writing everything out in full manuscript form. I can't tell you what a relief it is to have this step done.

Honest to god, it's like pulling teeth. You have to go so far down into your creative well, that you discover you have things in there you didn't even know you had. And when the good stuff comes up, usually as a surprise, it's a truly AWESOME feeling.

What I can't believe is that there's such a difference between what the first draft of my chapters looked like, and what this second and, hopefully, final draft look like.

Maybe it'll change again, but only incrementally, and quite frankly, it's just time I started writing the "long" version of all this stuff.

I feel like I've piddled away enough time on getting the chapter breakedowns "just right" before properly starting the book, that I just can't wait any longer.

I feel like I should have done three versions of the breakdowns, but then, that could just be my obsessive compulsive nature to have everything done it some kind of magical pattern. Two hardly seems like a finished product, to me. Three is a much more finished number, don't you think?

Oh, well, since I am known for procrastination, I'm just going to get the hell on with it and get started on writing THE FIRST CHAPTER!

And who knows, I'm sure things will chage, yet again, in the story, but at least I have the peace of mind to know that I have a baseline structure that I can always drop back to if I should ever lose my way.

What a treat that is.

I'm just so THRILLED people that I even got THIS far.

I can't even imagine how I'll feel when and if I actually ever get the thing properly DONE.

Oh, well. Only time will tell.

Here's to it!


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