Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Story Goes On

It's done.

In a flurry of activity I finished Chapter Four last night between calls at my day job. (I work in a call-centre.)

It never ceases to amaze me that when I start each chapter all I can think about is how far away 5000 words seem.

Then, before I know it, I've arrived and in fact have usually exceeded the number.

What I'm loving about writing is that with the completion of EACH chapter I get a sense of accomplishment.

I'm finally begining to understand that whole idea that "it isn't about the product, but rather the process." I used to DESPISE this expression. (And needless to say I was miserably unhappy.)

Now I get to feel happy TWELVE TIMES (there's twelve chapters) before the manuscript will be completed. And the HAPPY that I will feel when I type the last line of Chapter Twelve will hopefully feel even better!

Hold on to your hats, readers, Chapter Five is on the way!


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Chapter Four

For those of you who are counting, or for those of you who are just interested, I'm currently in the middle of Chapter Four.

I have a feeling it's going to spill over into Chapter Five, which is fine, because Chapters four, five, and six, are all kind of tied directly together with each other. They're the most chronological chapters in the book, and now that I look at my synopsis, I may have left each chapter a little thin when it comes to plot points. So the fact that some of four may spill into five and five into six, seems like it's going to be a good thing.

The book is really getting going now. It's amazing how the momentum of the story itself is just taking over as I write it.

I even want to write it faster. Unfortunately, it still takes just as long to write each chapter as it ever has.

Anyway, I intend to finish off Chapter Four tomorrow.

I now have two readers in my office, and now they've both become involved in the story, and they keep asking/pressuring me to get the next chapters written.

It's stressful, but awesome. Especially when I consider the fact that their outside influence is keeping on track, and forcing me keep writing.

I can't wait till this manuscript is done.

How awesome is THAT going to feel?


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Three Done

Sorry it took me so long, folks, but I was away last weekend in Charlottetown.

It's odd that it took me this long to finish Three because it came quite easily, although I'll admit that the last few pages were a bit of a strain.

However, I did make it past my word count. I'm supposed to hit 4750/chapter, and I was over 5000 when I finished writing Three.

I may start Four tomorrow.

The Dinner!

For those of you who are following the story, you know that the first part of the book has been leading up to this moment.

In other news:

I have finally received my membership numbers for both Romance Writers of America and its Toronto Branch: Toronto Romance Writers.

I missed what was to be my first meeting of TRW a couple of weekends ago. It was on a saturday, and as per usual I slept in. I must fix this habit if I'm going to be a serious writer who wants to be taken seriously.

I've been checking out all of the articles on the RWA website, and have already plowed through my first issue of TRW's newsletter: romANTICS.

In all my years as an actor, I never ONCE finished reading a single issue of either the Equity Newsletter, of the ACTRA magazines.

I read all of romANTICS in one sitting. And it was twice as long as both of those other publications put together!

I think I have finally chosen a career I can live with. And enjoy.

Yay me.

E you later...


Monday, July 10, 2006

Chapter Three

Chapter Three is underway and, in fact, is turning out to be much easier to write than Chapter Two.

While I was writing the first half, I managed to toss off 1700 words before I even did a word count.

And at that point, I hadn't even finished writing the scene I was working on.

I knew that I would hit the 2500 word mark by the scene's end, and then I would be able to continue on with the second half of the chapter and not worry about hitting the final count because I knew that scene will be quite lengthy.

It's going well.

I intend to have Chapter Three finished some time in the next two days.

I seem to be averaging one chapter a week.

I start the chapter some time between Sat and Mon, and usually finish it off by Thurs/Fri.

At least I have a writing schedule.

And I'm sticking to it.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Two Done

Once again, I have amazed myself by buckling down and getting done what needed to be done.

Chapter Two is done.

I have to say this chapter was a LOT harder to write than I had expected. I was so worried about the pologue and chapter one, that I never even thought about two.

See, with the first bits, you put yourself under all that pressure to get it started the "right" way. You know, with the right amount of plot, and character explanation. You want to hit the reader with just the right amount of info and excitement to make them want to invest their time and get involved in the lives of these characters. You want them to want to read more.

Well, I did that. I think fairly successfully.

THEN! (And this is the part I never thought about.) I had to FOLLOW IT UP WITH SOMETHING.

I realized that chapter two is the hardest chapter to write because you've done the hard bit, and the exciting bit, and now you have to follow it up with a chapter that probably won't have a lot of plot going on, but will have a lot of description, but all before the momentum really starts to get going. And you still have to hold the reader's attention.

It's kind of like the second number that you do in a show. You know, the one that follows the big excitng opening number. How do you choose the second number? It has to have just the exact right amount of energy, but not as much as the first, and not as much as the act one finale.

Chapter Two is the tough one.

But I finished it.

In about an hour, no less.

Which makes me realize that each chapter basically has a time value, for me, of about three and a half hours. Maybe four.

Now, I will say that I didn't quite hit my word count for this chapter, which should be 4750. I came in at around 4150, which means I'm alreay about 600 words shy of reaching the ultimate goal of 57 000 words at books end.

Oh well, chapter one/prologue was over 5000, so I guess I'm still technically on track.

And besides, when I wrote what was to become the last line of chapter two, I kind of knew that it was done, and that I wanted to leave the reader right there, because it would hopefully make them want to read on into chapter three.

The cliffhanger. Where would we be without that.

I guess all those years of watching soap operas has finally paid off.

What's that line from "Gypsy"?

"Make 'em beg for more...and then don't give it to them!"



I'm working on Chapter Two as you read this.

In my defence, I was sick this past week, and just couldn't bring myself to write anything while feeling like that.

Of course, it nagged at the back of my brain every single day!

So now that I'm feeling better, I'm going to do something about it.

I'll post another blog when Chapter Two is done.

Hopefully in about two hours!

Start the timers.