Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Five Done


It's been ages , I know. But this chapter was a toughy to write. It's their first love scene. Also, it was MY first love scene. Never written one before. Interesting.

And a lot easier than I thought.

Well, once they were IN the bedroom it was easier. The trip TO the bedroom, however, was NOT.

Also, the structure of this chapter has broken completely from my synopsis. They weren't supposed to do it till Chapter Six. Now they've already done it, and I don't know WHAT the hell is going to happen next, or how I'm going to stay on track with the rest of the breakdown.

But at this point, I think that characters are starting to lead me.

The ending still feels like it will be the ending that I wrote, but I think the journey there is going to change just a bit.

Oh well, I guess that's all a part of the writing process.

I know my friend Joy Fielding (New York Times Best Selling Author, said the name-dropper), has talked on her site about the halfway point where a book suddenly changes direction and she realizes that she has to go back and retweak the opening. Sucks. But hopefully it means the end product is better.

The top of Chapter Five was tough going. My GOD I didn't feel like writing it. I even did HOUSEWORK to avoid writing it. Yeeks!

However, once they started getting it on, amazingly, I ZOOMED straight through it. (I didn't even want to take my lunch break at work today, because they were JUST about to climax!!)

Writing the sex seems to come quite naturally to me.

THAT'S something I wasn't aware of before.

Just means I have an over-active, and mildly filthy imagination.

Anyway, that's all from me today.

I can't wait to see what they do in Chapter Six, cause quite frankly, I'm like all of you, I haven't the SLIGHTEST idea.



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