Thursday, May 17, 2007

Back from the Dead

Hello everyone.

I'm back.

What started out to be a six week break from writing has, unfortunately, turned into a six MONTH break. I should have expected this. My reaction times are pretty slow when it comes to momentous moments in my life.

I am now, finally, hard at work on the final draft of my first novel.

I needed the time to completely separate from the original idea and now I'm going back and REALLY ripping it to shreds.

Ok, maybe not to shreds.

It's more like I'm taking the very best of what I came up with and am finally shaping it into something more mature, more readable, and (fingers crossed) more saleable.

Of course, I have been relaxing this whole time, either.

I have been doing lots more research on the business. Attending many workshops sponsored by Toronto Romance Writers, and I also became this years Contest Co-Ordinator for our chapter.

Look at me taking on leadership roles.

I have also decided some things about myself as a person and as a writer.

The word "discipline" does not work for me. It never will. There is no way that I can ever get my body or my brain to accept that word. It's like a straight-jacket to me. And we all know how human beings relate to those.

But I had to find some other derivitive with which I could work.

And I found one.


It's a good word. I can work with that.

To say I am a disciplined writer/person makes every part of me laugh in great huge guffaws somewhere inside. It also makes me feel like a pile of shit when I don't do what I "should". (There's another word that I hate.)

But to say that I am a dilligent writer seems a little easier to take. And a goal that, to me, seems far more attainable. It doesn't have anywhere near the severity or punishment overtones that discipline has.

Yet it still implies a decent work ethic, and a good focus on what needs to be done. I work dilliegently at my writing.

And I will dilligently get it done.

It's all semantics I know, but whatever floats yer boat, ya know?

Also, I've finally decided on a nom de plume for my writing: MJ Anderson. It flows. And it looks pretty when I practice my autograph.

It also happens to be my mothers initials.

I figure since I paid tribute to my Grandma (one of the lights of my life) when I was acting by using her maiden name as my stage name, it seemed appropriate that I should somehow find a way to do the same for my Mom (an even greater light in my life.)

Also, she is the one who first introduced me to romance fiction, and I know she always secretly harboured the idea of writing a book. In a way, I feel I can finally help make one of her dreams come true. She may not write it, but at least her initials will be on it.

And in truth MJ Anderson also stands for Mister James Anderson.

Cute, don't ya think?

Alright, that's enough for me tonight.

I just finished my thousand words for the day and now I'm writing this.

What I really need is to get myself the hell to bed.

So to all a good night.


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