Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Getting My Bearings

Well, I've been taking some time off.

See, not only did I finishe writing my story (46, 320 words!), I also finished reading Stephen King's book "On Writing". VERY informative.

He suggested that upon completion of a story, the writer should just leave the manuscript alone for four to six weeks before going back to it. One needs to separate emotionally and mentally before starting to edit it.

And in the meantime, get started on the next one. Ostensibly, I believe, in order to further separate (or break the umbilical cord) to the previous story.

Only with this separation does the writer again get enough perspective to treat the story with an objective eye.

I whole-heartedly agree.

Although it's driving me crazy not to start ripping the thing to shreds already. The fact that I have to wait until Nov 14 (the 4 week mark) is almost unbearable. But this is EXACTLY why it's necessary to wait.

So, in the meantime, I have been starting to think about my next story.

I grabbed the nearest spiral notebook I could find, and started jotting down whatever points have come into my mind.

I also went right to the Harlequin guidelines page and took down notes on the three categories that interest me the most: Xtra-Sensual Romance, Romantic Suspense, and Silhouette Desire.

It was my way of clarifying what exactly it is that the editors of each line are really looking for. Right down to the vocabulary used to describe the lines. (I've begun to notice that many of these words appear repeatedly in some of the books I've been reading.)

This time I intend to write with a more specific target line in mind.

I don't know if the first book will ever sell, although I think it might. At the very least, I believe it should get me an agent.

And speaking of Agents, I've spent the day checking out all the RWA-approved agents listed on the RWA website. I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, but it's always better to be as prepared as possible.

Anyway, back to brainstorming.


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