Thursday, October 12, 2006

Knuckle Biting

It's so close I can almost taste it.

I'm talking of course about the ENDING OF MY BOOK.

I am roughly 3000 words from the end! That's less than one whole chapter!

THE END! Can you believe it??????

You have to understand, I NEVER finish ANYTHING I start. EVER.

I've just written a 50000-ish word novel. How AWESOME is that?

I have learned so much so far. About myself, and myself as a writer. It's fascinating.

Like for instance:

I don't like to write more than 1000 words a day, and that if I stick to that I am more likely to actually
write those 1000 words.

Writng 1000 words a day means I can write a chapter in four days. Three if it's going well.

I will also make sacrifices for writing that I would NEVER have made when I was acting.


Tonight, when I got home, (anxious to get another thousand or so words down on my chapter--I have a deadline of Saturday this week to get it done), THE POWER WAS OUT ONLY ON MY BLOCK!

Can you believe??????

And I didn't have any part of Chapter Eleven in my home computer. It was saved in my email so I could download it from my work computer. Stupid.

Here's how I handled it.

I actually packed up my laptop and marched down the street to Starbucks to see if I could get on the internet and do the writing I needed to do.

I would NEVER HAVE DONE THIS for ANYTHING to do with the acting biz. EVER.

Something has changed within me. (Not a deliberate quote from Wicked, but what can I say, it's TRUE!)

I want to sell MILLIONS of books!

I want to tour the world spreading the joy of writing and reading romance.

I am so bloody excited, I can't stand it.

I'll post again when I'm done.

Keep your fingers crossed for me. I gotta be done by tomorrow night.



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